Thursday, May 1, 2008

Breaking the Detox (continued...)

I have been feeling great! My weight is steady at 117/118. I used to be around 122/123, so it's weird to see the scale consistently at a lower number. So I think I sucessfully lost about 5 pounds! I'm really glad I did the detox. Would I do it again? I'm not quite sure. I might do it maybe once a year, but I'm already a pretty healthy person when it comes to food and such. I know what's good and what's bad and how to stay in control of that.

There are some things in the book that I definitely do not agree with. The main thing that bothers me is where she says you should only have animal protein twice a WEEK! I have animal protein at least THREE times a DAY!!! There's no way you would catch me changing that schedule. I think it's unnatural to follow a diet like that.

With all that said, I have gotten back to a normal schedule, which is usually the following:

- Coffee - black with one packet Stevia
- Breakfast - normally 2 egg whites and something with it (cheese/salsa, veggie omelet, toast, etc)
- 1 Herbal cleansing capsule
- 1 Enzyme capsule

- Green tea - black with Stevia
- Berry drink

- Green tea - black with Stevia

- Drink - either water, Diet Coke, or green tea
- Lunch - sandwich - meat, cheese, fresh veggies, on a whole wheat wrap
- 1 Herbal cleansing capsule
- 1 Enzyme capsule

- Green drink

- Drink - either water or green tea
- Dinner - a meat of some kind with fresh veggies and some sort of healthy carb
- 1 Herbal cleansing capsule
- 1 enzyme capsule

- 1 Aloe Vera capsule

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 13, 14, and Breaking the Detox

WOW, sorry for not posting! I've been so busy the past few days that I didn't have time to update at all.

Friday was Day 13 and that went well. My weight was around 116 or 117ish. I had some kind of veggie juice for lunch, but I don't remember what I mixed. For dinner, I did the ginger carrots again which are oh so yummy!

Saturday got pretty messed up with the hiking thing. I met everyone for breakfast at 7:30am and I ate breakfast as planned. I'm glad that I did because the hike may have turned out badly if I didn't have anything in my stomach. I brought a berry drink, green drink, protein drink, and water with me on the hike. I froze them all, so I alternated what I was drinking depending on what was defrosted the most! The hike went really well and I had a butt load of fun! We did go and grab Mexican food after, so that kind of threw the rest of the detox out the window.

As of Sunday, I've officially broken the detox. I had my normal berry and green drinks during the morning and had some as a lunch/snack as well. I was invited to go out on a friend's sailboat for the afternoon. We had a potluck and ate ribs, salads, and other foods like that. It was alot of fun and I probably drank a little bit more than I should of, but everything turned out just dandy!

As for yesterday, I didn't have time to pack my normal lunch since I got back late Sunday night. I wasn't even really hungry at all because of all the food we ate the day before. I went to the mall to grab a chicken and avacado sandwich for lunch, which turned out to be super yummy. For dinner, I just sorta had a snack since I again wasn't that hungry and needed to get back on track with this stuff.

So far today, I've had my normal berry and green drinks. I'm going to have chicken salad for lunch and I plan on doing a soup for dinner. I would really like to get back into the grind with the gym tonight, but I have so much to worry about this week with my roommate leaving soon. And I also will be getting off work late today because we have this workshop thingy to go too. As for my weight, it's been about 118ish and I like it there.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 12

Only a few more days!!

Nothing new or different really to report. I can't even remember what I mixed for lunch, but it was something along the lines of carrots, celery, parsley, beets, radishes, and I think maybe some collards.

I didn't go to the gym last night because I had to take care of a bunch of stuff. When I went tanning last night (yes, I go fake tanning lol), I had a complete freak out. I believe the scale said 115 yesterday. Anyway, I noticed my hip bones definitely sticking out a little bit. I am by no means "stick thin" so this was very noticeable to me and I flipped. I was originally planning on having my normal dinner stuff, but after I saw this, I immediately went to the store and bought a sandwich. No more losing weight for me! I DO NOT want it to be like that at all! No thank you!

I'm going on a hike tomorrow that I'm very excited about. It should last a good 4 or 5 hours. A friend voiced concerns about me going on the hike and not actually eating any food. And that's with valid reason, because something bad could happen if I'm out hiking all day without any real food in me. Luckily, everyone going is meeting for breakfast beforehand, so I'm going to eat with them. That way I will have something in my system for the hike. I'm going to bring my normal drinks with me and I'll pack some veggie juice for lunch. I'll probably stick them all in the freezer tonight so they can last as long as possible on the hike. I hope no one looks at me weird when I'm drinking my lunch!!

Tomorrow is the last day!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 11

Today was good. Didn't make it to the gym... not because of the friend (he got another ride) but because I had to deal with iPod issues. UGH not fun!

Anyway, still steady at 116. I didn't have veggie juice today because I had so much to worry about last night, so I just had another Berry drink instead. For dinner, I had my leftover Curried Veggies which were super yummy, of course.

I've definitely realized that I've been feeling alot better... after the healing crisis, that is. It's easier for me to get up in the mornings and I'm definitely more awake! I'm not feeling tired throughout the day at all. I feel more calm. And, believe it or not, I feel more "clean" if that makes any sense.

I was looking at the book tonight, and I think I'm going to do a 4 day transition back into normal life. Should be ok with that. I start the transition on Sunday!

Day 10

WOW yesterday was a busy day! I didn't have time to even think!

Something weird is going on with my green drinks. I had originally bought a huge thing of bottles of water. I was saving and washing out all the bottles so that I can reused them. I started reusing them this week since I was out of the originals. I've noticed that the green drinks are having this orange-ish powder color that shows up in specs on the inside of the bottle. I originally thought I hadn't cleaned it out all the way. But the next green drink did the same thing. And now I'm sitting here having one and it's also doing the same thing. The green drinks have been having a strange taste. The first one I had yesterday, I couldn't finish it because it was awful. Second one wasn't as bad. The one I'm drinking now is ok, but the remnants of strange taste are still there. Maybe I won't be able to reuse the bottle for the green drink and i'll just use a covered cup or something.

Yesterday was good, otherwise. Weight is steady at 116. I didn't have a chance to make it to the gym because I had way too much stuff to take care of at home. For lunch, I had carrots, collards, celery, and parsley.

For dinner, I tried and made up my own mixture. It was good, but not as awesome as all the ones in the book. I mixed sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, onion, celery, garlic, Italian seasoning, and cinnamon.

I won't be able to make it to the gym tonight because said friend that is in town is now using me for a ride to the airport. He's giving me gas money, which I don't understand why he doesn't just pay for a cab. So fan-fucking-tastic, I get to sit through rush hour traffic on the highway in Hawaii. DEFINITELY not how I wanted to spend my evening. UGH

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 9

Another good day! The scale either said 117 or 116... it was hard to tell because I have one of those dial type scales. But in any case, still in the clear.

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but Stevia is absolutely amazing! I had never heard about it before this detox. I normally use Splenda, but Stevia is even sweeter than that! I only need to use half a packet to sweeten my tea whereas I would use at least one packet of Splenda before. I still have alot of Splenda left, so I think after I'm all out of that after the detox, I will be converting to Stevia for good!

For lunch yesterday, I had celery, cucumber, red cabbage, and parsley. I don't remember if I had kale in there too, but I might have. It was surprisingly sweet even with no carrots! Very yummy! For dinner, I had my leftover Southern Collard Greens. Obviously I didn't have any broth since I wasn't cooking last night.

I cheated again!!! I know, I'm a terrible person. One of my friends from college randomly came in town for a few days and called me to tell me that he was here. I haven't seen him in I don't know how long and he talked me into meeting him for a drink. I kept it fruity so I was still along the juice lines. It didn't make any difference when I hopped on the scale this morning. I originally said I'd meet up with him today too, but I've got alot of things I need to take care of AND I was up late last night and I'm super tired because of it.

Well, I need to get to work here. Only a few more days of the detox!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 8

Today was great! Well, aside from waking up ass early for no known reason, it was great! I got a decent workout in today. Did my usual bike ride to the gym, some cardio, and a light workout session along with doing some ab work.

I'm not feeling exhausted when I wake up anymore and I'm also no longer have stomach pains whatsoever! I guess that was all related to the "healing crisis." Sure am glad that's over and done with because it SUCKED!!

Lunch was yummy. I mixed kale, cucumber, celery, and parsley. It was VERY green! After lunch, I packed a berry drink and took the dogs to the dog park! I've been taking them every Sunday which I'm sure they're enjoying. It gives them a chance to just run around and go nuts since they're confined to the apartment all the time. And I did some running around, as well.

Dinner was fantastic, as usual. Seriously, I haven't had one dinner so far that I didn't absolutely love! I made the Asian Spinach and mixed: spinach, romaine, onion, red peppers, green beans, ginger, garlic, chili powder, and this Hawaiian/Asian sauce stuff I have. It was delicious down to the last drop!

I finished my teeth whitening last night. It definitely made a difference! They're not the whitest they could be, but it's definitely an improvement and I'm happy with the results! I'll probably do it again sometime in the future to get even better results. Don't know when that will be, so we'll see!

Still holdin steady at 117. That's got to be due to the sandwich and whatnot, but I'm ok with that. I've got 6 days left so I've got to make them count!