Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Something Else

I decided to add something else into my detox program - teeth whitening! Just those white strips that you can buy in the store. I've been wanting to do it for awhile but thought it may not work out because I am an avid coffee drinker. During the detox, I'll be off the coffee completely. And since I'll be on the detox for a few weeks, I can dedicate some time to doing this, as well. I got the 14 day ones. I don't remember if they're once or twice a day. But I got the store brand because they were cheaper. So, just something else to add to the excitement! I'm very much looking forward to embarking on this detox!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Juicing Recipes

So I realized today that I've never juiced anything besides oranges and the occasional grapefruit. And my extent of vegetable juice knowledge comes from a wonderful bottle called V8. I started thinking that, with my luck, I'd be force-feeding myself awful tasting juices for the entirety of this detox. So I did a quick search for some vegetable juice recipes. I bookmarked 2 sites that looked pretty decent and stuff I could work with:



Both of those sites have a LOT to choose from, so I doubt I'll get bored with it!

Oh, I forgot to mention about the protein I'll be using. I have the GNC Whey Protein powder (in chocolate flavor). It's the GIANT container... lasts me awhile, although I have been through a few of them thus far. When I normally make protein shakes, I use milk, but for the detox I'll just be mixing it with water. I've still got time (to the tune of 3 weeks) before my detox to come up with my edited detailed plan to add in the protein.

I also forgot to mention that I will not be doing colonics, enemas, or anything of the sort. While I do believe they can be beneficial, I do not have the money and don't wish to do them. Being a young professional starting out in the world, I'm definitely no millionaire! And I also think that they are unnatural. If the whole purpose of this is to go back to the way nature intended things to be, where in the world were our people squirting water up their asses?? Don't get me wrong, I think it sounds beneficial, but kind of contradicts the whole point of this almost. So, I won't be doing any of those.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I bought all of my supplement products from GNC a few weeks ago. With my Gold Card savings, it came to almost $100 even. I definitely suggest going to a health goods or vitamin store so that you can get everthing all together. And if you don't have a Gold Card from GNC, GET ONE!! Lucky for me, the guy helping me had alot of knowledge on veggie and fruit drink mixes. He steered me clear of the grassy/nasty tasting ones. I haven't tried anything yet, but here's what I got:

  • Green Drink - Green Foods Magma Plus ($24.99)
  • Antioxidant Berry Drink - Garden Greens Berry Splash ($29.99)
  • Herbal Cleansing Formula - Super Cleanse ( $14.99)
  • Digestive Enzymes - GNC Natural Brand Super Digestive Enzymes ($13.79)
  • Aloe Vera - GNC Natural Brand Aloe Vera Gel capsules ($15.89)
  • Stevia - NuNaturals NuStevia ($9.99)

For my tea, I just picked up some Green Tea (which I love) from the supermarket. And the juicer I got from Walmart is a Black & Decker Fruit and Juice Extracter. I think it was about $20.

I figure the pricing is about equivalent to a month's worth of food. And if you're on the program for a month, then that makes sense. Then again, remember that I do live in Hawaii, so prices are almost always higher out here.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I wanted to start this journal so I have something to keep track of when I do my detox.

First, some background about me. My name is Becca. I'm a 23 year old recent college grad who moved from college in Florida to my dream job in Hawaii. I've been here since October 2007. I'm an Aviation Planner for an architecture firm. Basically, I do different projects for different airports (mainly islands in the Pacific). I have 2 Italian Greyhounds and they are my absolute world. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, snorkelling, working out, going to the beach, taking the dogs places, and anything else a normal 23 year old likes to do.

So now, why am I doing this detox? I thought about it for quite some time. A few months ago, I became terribly ill and almost had to be hospitalized with a very bad kidney infection. It was the first one I've ever had and it was THE worst! It came on very suddenly and after missing work for 2 days, I was not happy. Luckily, the antibiotics kicked in very quickly and I was feeling better soon. On my last day of the medication, I was having pains and knew something was wrong. I went into Urgent Care and found out that I was better from the kidney infection, but then had a UTI! I was extremely angry at this point! I was prescribed medication that didn't work, and a few days later, I was back in the doctor. After a few tries, we finally got a medicine that worked. I was almost free of my UTI when I started having another problem: my upper back hurt badly every time I took a step. We're talking severe pain here! So bad that if I was walking in the grocery store, I would have to stop every few minutes because I was in so much pain. So then it was off to the physical therapist. Only, the pain mysteriously stopped the day before my appointment. I still went to the appointment and both me and the doctor were baffled by what had happened. To this day, I still don't know what was wrong with my back and I just hope it doesn't happen again.

I have always been the girl that NEVER gets sick. My entire family could be sick and I would never catch it. So being sick for over a month straight was probably one of my worst experiences. I didn't know if there was anything I could do, but I was determined to find something. That's when I stumbled upon the Martha's Vineyard Detox. I don't remember how I even found it, but I checked out the website (http://www.mvdietdetox.com/). After doing some research, I decided to pick up the book. My plan was to read the book and see how I felt about it. If I wanted to do it, great. If not, then no big deal.

I finished the book a week or two ago and have decided to go through with the detox. I plan on doing it for at least 2 weeks. After that, I'll see if I want to continue with the third week or not. I'm very excited to do something different and cleanse my body. It is very extreme with no solid foods whatsoever, but I feel that I have done enough research and I am being smart about it. I am NOT doing this as a "diet." The fact that they even call it that makes me mad because I feel like they're just trying to make a buck with another fad diet. But in any case, it got my attention and convinced me that a detox was something I needed to do. I wouldn't mind losing a few pound, don't get me wrong. I do plan on losing 5, maybe 10 pounds, which would be more than enough to keep me happy. I'm already physically fit, so I really don't need to lose too much. I plan on altering the detox and adding in protein shakes so I don't lose alot of weight or muscle.

I bought my juicer and all of my supplements last weekend. I've never been so excited to do something like this before! I keep telling myself that it's ok to eat bad now because in a month's time, I will be on the detox. I am going on a business trip out of the country March 29 to April 7. I figure that during the week of the 7th, I will buy all my fresh veggies and spices. I plan on starting the detox on Sunday April 13.

So, that's the jist of what I plan on doing. I look forward to posting in this blog every day during the detox. There will be ups and there will be downs, but in the end, I'm getting my health under control.

I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me!

These are my goals:
- do the detox for at least 2 weeks
- if all goes well, do it for the full 3 weeks
- lose 7-12lbs (I currently weigh about 122lbs standing 5'2" - I would like to get to 110-115lbs)