Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 2

I could totally go for a cheeseburger right about now!!!

Haha but the detox is going well! I was barely even hungry. I was a little bit the first half of the day, but other than that, I was completely full! I think the hardest thing to get used to is the fact that I am not chewing any food. I never imagined how weird it would feel to not have to chew! It's hard to keep myself from stuffing a fist full of veggies in my mouth while I'm preparing my food. I was ALWAYS the one to snack while making food! I think I'm going to have to get some gum or something because it feels so weird to never chew!

Lunch was yummy! I'm preparing my veggie juice the night before because it's easier and my juicer is super loud and I don't want to wake the roomie! It also gives me some extra time to sleep, which is much needed at this point. Anyway, here's what I had in my juice: beet, beet greens, radish, radish greens, carrot, celery, parsley, and cucumber.

I'm going to be editting my schedule. I have been having all my green and berry drinks in 17oz bottles of water. That way, I'm getting the drink, and the called for 8oz bottle of water, as well. I only had 2 teas during the day today because I wasn't really craving another one... I really felt full!

I didn't eat dinner till just after 7pm. Went to the gym and did a light workout. I ride my bike to the gym and that's about a 15min bike ride. Then, I did some cardio and a light routine. After that, I biked home. I cut up my dinner veggies before I left for the gym to make dinner preparation faster, but it still took about a half hour. So, I'll be eating dinner whenever I get home from the gym.

Dinner was amazing again! I made the Creamy Broccoli from the book and that had: broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, parsley, garlic, and oregano. I added some pepper to give it a little zing and it made it all that much better! Sidenote: I'm not following any of the recommended amounts for how much of whatever in a soup. I just go with what I feel right. I use the book recipes and the website recipes for guidelines of what tastes good together. And I'll add a little bit of this or that or change how much of something.

Oh I forgot to say, I hopped on the scale this morning. It said 121, so down one pound. Going to be keeping a strict eye on this because I DO NOT want to lose too much!

One of the biggest annoyances is having to go pee almost every hour! I felt like an idiot at work today going to the bathroom so often. And I'm not talking "oh I kinda have to pee" feeling... I mean full blown "I'm gonna pee my pants" feeling! But that goes without saying because everything is all liquid. I was cold the second half of the day, but I don't know if that was just my building or not (sometimes it is freezing in there!) Other than that, I started to not feel well around 5pm when I got home from work. My stomach wasn't feelin too hot! And it wasn't hunger pains, so don't think I was "starving" because I was completely full at that point. It started hurting right before I was going to go to the gym and I said "No, I have to go!" As soon as I hopped on my bike and started moving, the pain immediately went away! Problem solved!

I have the urge to quit, but I just need to get through these first few days and I'll be ok. It only gets better from here! I'm just hoping that my cravings for a burger and cookies and every bad food on earth goes away very soon!

Until tomorrow...

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