Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 4

Today was another stressful day. I went to the Humane Society to find out what was going to happen to the cat I helped last night. Before I knew what happened, I was signing papers to pick her up tomorrow so that she wouldn't get euthanized. I'm taking her to my vet on Friday so hopefully we can get a prognosis on her. Unfortunately, if it's anything expensive, I can't afford it. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now I'm just going to hold out hope that everything will be ok.

Detox is still going well. I'm not hungry, but I'm still craving something big, greasy, and completely bad for me! Scale told me 119 today, so I'm still in ther clear.

For lunch: carrots, cucumber, and red cabbage. It was really good!

I didn't go to the gym today because I was at the Humane Society and such. And I was a little sore from the past few days. I won't be able to go tomorrow night either because I'll be getting the cat. So depending on what happens with her within the next few days, I may or may not be going to the gym.

I made the spicy bean thing for dinner! It was really good! I used black beans (dried... and they take FOREVER to cook, so be prepared to have like a freaking hour), onions, garlic, thyme, tomato paste, and ground hot red pepper seasoning.

No stomach pains today!! Well, I lied. I think I got them once tonight but for only like a minute. Thank GOD! I don't want to keep going through that!

Other than that, nothing really to report!

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