Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day 7

I got a good night's sleep last night and that definitely helped me to feel alot better! Still bummed out from yesterday, but I'm hangin in there. I had a nice day at the beach, except when the water came up higher than it ever does and soaked me along with my phone, ipod, and everything else I had with me. I moved pretty fast and scooped up everything and shockingly all my electronics are still working. That pretty much ended the beach day for me.

It really helps that I drink all of my stuff out of water bottles. It makes it so much easier to go about my day. For instance, I just stuck a green and berry drink in the freezer before I left so that they would keep cool as long as possible. Then I just packed them with my stuff for the beach. So easy!

Anyway, scale said 117, so the sandwich didn't mess everything up. Not that I thought it would. I definitely needed a break after the past few days. For lunch, I mixed radishes, radish greens, carrots, apple, parsley, and ginger. I wanted to try ginger in a juice since I hadn't done it yet. It didn't go too well with my mixture. It wasn't "bad" but it definitely didn't help the juice haha. Hopefully I can come up with a good mixture with it.

Dinner was SO good! I made the curry veggies and mixed yellow squash, green beans, carrots, spinach, ginger, garlic, onion, curry powder, ground red pepper, and cinnamon. OH MAN it was GOOD! I made more again, so I have some extra for this week. So now I have two meals for this week! It'll give me a break from having to worry about cutting veggies and cooking!

I'm thinking that I'm going to stop after the 2 week mark. I already eat healthy as it is. I don't need to lose weight. I think that after 2 weeks, I will be sufficiently "detoxed." I will follow the book with reintroducing everything back into my diet. And now I've learned so much about juicing and soups that I will definitely continue to do that! And I can have a berry or green drink as a snack, as opposed to the snacks I was having before.

Until tomorrow...!

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